Together Liberia: The Discovery of Liberia by David Trotman-Wilkins

Found Liberia – David Trotman-Wilkins – Together Liberia

The article highlights the craftsmanship and skills of Peter Dwana, a 19-year-old carpenter and cabinet maker in Monrovia, Liberia. Working for Lassana Dukuly, Peter uses traditional tools such as a chisel and plane to carve and smooth the curves of a cabinet frame.

The images of Peter at work were taken as part of the project, which aims to promote media development in Liberia. By showcasing the talents and skills of artisans like Peter, the project seeks to highlight the diversity and richness of Liberia’s cultural heritage.

Peter’s work is a testament to the importance of traditional craftsmanship in today’s world. Despite the rise of modern technology and mass production, there is still a strong demand for handmade furniture and other artisanal products. This is particularly true in developing countries like Liberia, where traditional skills and techniques remain an important part of the economy.

Furthermore, the article emphasizes the need to support and invest in the next generation of craftspeople in Liberia. Peter’s talent and dedication to his craft are a reminder that there is a wealth of untapped potential among young people in the country. By providing training and opportunities for these individuals, we can help to preserve traditional skills and ensure that they continue to play a vital role in the country’s economic and cultural development.

Overall, the article highlights the beauty and value of traditional craftsmanship, and the importance of preserving these skills and techniques for future generations. Through projects like, we can help to promote media development and raise awareness of the rich cultural heritage of Liberia and other developing countries.

Posted by Newhouse Center for Global Engagement on 2018-09-17 12:18:38