“Title: PH2000.25.024 Rewritten”


This content features a photograph from ca1940 of woodworking projects underway at the National Youth Administration work center in Clinton, Iowa. The National Youth Administration (NYA) was a New Deal agency established in 1935 to provide work, education, and training opportunities to young Americans during the Great Depression. The NYA work center in Clinton was one of many such centers across the country where young people could gain valuable vocational skills while completing important public works projects.

In the photograph, several young men are shown working on various woodworking projects, including constructing furniture and cabinetry. They are wearing work clothes and hats, and are using a variety of hand tools and power tools to shape and sand the pieces of wood. The workroom is bright and spacious, with large windows letting in natural light, and there are several saws and other tools hanging on the walls. In the background, other NYA workers can be seen conducting different types of vocational training, including cooking and sewing.

The NYA was established as part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal programs, which aimed to provide relief and recovery to the American people during the economic crisis of the 1930s. The agency provided resources and opportunities to millions of young people across the country, helping them to build vocational skills and prepare for future employment. The Clinton work center was just one of many such facilities where young people could gain valuable experience and training in various trades and industries.

The work being done in the photograph appears to be of a high quality, with the young men taking great care in their craft. The furniture and cabinets they are constructing appear sturdy and well-built, with clean lines and smooth finishes. The projects were likely completed for use in public buildings or other NYA facilities across the state.

Overall, this content provides a glimpse into the important work being done by the National Youth Administration during the Great Depression. Through their vocational training programs, the NYA helped young people across the country to gain valuable skills and experiences that they could use to support themselves and their families. This photograph in particular highlights the craftsmanship and dedication of the young men working at the Clinton work center, and serves as a testament to the lasting legacy of the NYA and its role in supporting American youth during a difficult time in our nation’s history.

Posted by State Historical Library and Archives of Iowa on 2011-12-07 16:52:45