Tam Makers’ Show and Tell

Show and Tell at Tam Makers

Tam Makers is an open workshop community that hosts a Maker Club for adults and teens every week in Marin County, California. The Maker Club is held at their makerspace located in Tamalpais High School. It is a place where people of all skill levels can gather and build their own art, tech or woodworking projects with guidance from staff and other members. Participants also get the opportunity to share their latest projects with the group.

The community consists of many experienced makers who are willing to share their knowledge with others. The projects built here range from graceful robot spiders to Arduino-powered garage openers to Wifi servers on a chip.

Tam Makers is an inclusive community, and anyone can join the Maker Club regardless of their background. It is open to everyone who has a passion for making things, and members are encouraged to bring their own materials to work on their projects. The workshops are also a great place to network and meet new people with similar interests.

Tam Makers provides an environment where creativity can flow, and ideas can come to life. The workshop is equipped with all the necessary tools needed to complete projects, including 3D printers, laser cutters, and hand tools. Additionally, the workshop is designed to encourage collaboration and cross-pollination of ideas with other makers, which can lead to new discoveries and creations.

Due to the ongoing pandemic, Tam Makers has had to adapt to new safety regulations, but it is still possible to participate in the Maker Club. At present, Tam Makers is following strict social distancing guidelines and has limited the number of participants to 10 in each session. To ensure the safety of all members, the tools and equipment are disinfected between each use, and participants are required to wear masks at all times.

Tam Makers’ focus is not only about making things but also about the community it creates. Members share their knowledge and skills with others, and this leads to personal growth, friendship, and fun. The community is made up of diverse individuals of all ages and backgrounds, making it a unique environment that welcomes everyone.

Tam Makers also supports local schools by providing educators with tools and resources to encourage maker education. Through grants and donations, Tam Makers has helped schools set up their own makerspaces, providing students with the opportunity to learn and develop their maker skills.

Tam Makers has a strong online presence, making it easy for anyone to stay connected and updated with the latest workshops and projects. Their website, tammakers.org, and their Flickr pages showcase the various projects completed at the makerspace, and members can join their Slack channel to engage with other makers.

In conclusion, Tam Makers provides a unique opportunity for people to come together and build their creative projects in a supportive and collaborative environment. Their Maker Club is a great way to meet new people, learn new skills and turn ideas into reality. The community is a testament to the power of making, sharing and learning, and it provides a platform for anyone to showcase their talents and creativity.

Posted by fabola on 2017-07-12 08:35:19