Tam Makers Hosts a Maker Club

Maker Club at Tam Makers

Tam Makers provides a makerspace where adults and teens can come and create their own art, tech or woodworking projects. Every week, the organization hosts a ‘Maker Club’- an open workshop where individuals bring their own materials to build new projects, learn from experienced makers and guidance from the organization’s staff, and share their own experiences on working on novel projects.

Tam Makers received several project creations from their ‘Maker Club’, including a robot spider, eagle god, garage opener, Wifi server on a chip, and many more, exhibiting the variety and creativity in the maker projects that are built in the space.

Joining the Tam Makers community offers opportunities for individuals to tap into their creative side and collaborate with like-minded makers in creating their innovative ideas. More information on Tam Makers is available on their website: www.tammakers.org.

Posted by fabola on 2017-08-11 07:35:32