“On February 23, 2006, Traveling from Dover to Simpsons Point 137 in Australia (AUS 8)”

The writer begins their content with a statement of excitement and enthusiasm, claiming that their recent experience has been the best ride ever. They note that despite the brisk conditions, the fleet did well with only one capsize, which was quickly handled by the safety boat. The writer then mentions Martin’s comment at the next… Continue reading “On February 23, 2006, Traveling from Dover to Simpsons Point 137 in Australia (AUS 8)”

On February 23, 2008, AUS 10 sailed from Simpsons Point to Quarantine Bay 177.

Bart Witte, the boat owner, designer James Wharram, and builder of the Tiki 21 catamaran, Double Dutch 2, chose this design to sail in the area of Coles Bay, Schouten Island, and the Freycinet National Park in Tasmania. The design is equipped to handle the changing weather conditions in the area, with smooth waters in… Continue reading On February 23, 2008, AUS 10 sailed from Simpsons Point to Quarantine Bay 177.

219 – Arms End Quarantine: AUS 11 (updated on February 23, 2009)

Enterprize is a replica of the tall ship built in Hobart in 1830 that brought the first European settlers from Tasmania to found the city of Melbourne in 1835. The replica Enterprize was built with a significant part of Melbourne’s history being preserved and made accessible to the people of Victoria in mind. Her keel… Continue reading 219 – Arms End Quarantine: AUS 11 (updated on February 23, 2009)