Tam Makers is launching an Art Float for Social Change aimed at encouraging more people to participate in democracy. The project, created by co-founders Fabrice Florin and Geo Monley, is a community art project led by students and makers. The float will feature art, music, and technology, and will target youth and people of color. The float will display on Earth Day, Memorial Day, and Fourth of July parades in Marin, and will be taken throughout California this fall to encourage voting in the next election. The float will celebrate mother earth with a carousel of waving hands, which will be pulled by a giant feathered serpent. On the decorated stage, performers will tell stories of hope, while large signs will encourage people to vote. The community will also be invited to pitch ideas for social change on the podium or have them scroll on the news ticker. The project will be built by volunteers every Thursday evening and Saturday morning throughout March and April 2018, and anyone is welcome to volunteer by emailing float@tammakers.org.