Dockside Living: A Unique Contrast to Last Night’s Wilderness Anchorage! (Photo by Derek)

Voyaging on the Lower Columbia River by sail and oar in a 12-foot cruising dinghy known as “LUNA,” which was designed by John Welsford for Small Craft Advisor Magazine Project (SCAMP), is a fulfilling and relaxing experience. The Oregon and Washington shorelines of the Columbia River create a picturesque view that makes the journey even… Continue reading Dockside Living: A Unique Contrast to Last Night’s Wilderness Anchorage! (Photo by Derek)

“Discover Fascinating Historical Artifacts Along the River Banks”

Voyaging on the lower Columbia River by sail and oar in a 12-foot cruising dinghy Luna, a John Welsford-designed SCAMP, is an exciting and challenging activity that requires skill, knowledge, and discipline. This vessel is small, but it is designed to handle rough water and strong winds and currents, allowing sailors to explore the river… Continue reading “Discover Fascinating Historical Artifacts Along the River Banks”

Vast Waters near the Columbia River Estuary

In the Pacific Northwest, the Columbia River is a popular destination for sailors and boaters alike. For one sailor, their vessel of choice is a 12-foot cruising dinghy named “LUNA,” designed by John Welsford and featured in the Small Craft Advisor Magazine Project. The SCAMP design was created with the intention of being a versatile… Continue reading Vast Waters near the Columbia River Estuary

The Vast Waters where the Columbia River meets the Pacific Ocean

In the Pacific Northwest, along the border between Oregon and Washington, lies the Columbia River. Like an artery in the region, it is a vital source of water and trade, carrying goods and products from the Pacific Ocean all the way into the interior of the United States. But for many outdoors enthusiasts, the Columbia… Continue reading The Vast Waters where the Columbia River meets the Pacific Ocean

Looking Ahead from the Cockpit

This content is about a process for preparing a wooden surface for coating or painting. The first step is to make sure that all hardware mounting holes are in place and that the surface is free from defects. Next, all bare wood should be coated with unthickened epoxy to protect it from moisture and provide… Continue reading Looking Ahead from the Cockpit