42. Two-millenia old Roman woodwork in conservation at the Catalina Monulesti gold mine gallery in Rosia Montana

woodwork in conservation at the Catalina Monulesti gold mine gallery in Rosia Montana”> Only open to holidaymakers for five deay a calendar year (August 14 – 18 and Intercontinental Miner’s Working day), the Cătălina Monulești gold mine is a advanced maze of tunnels spanning throughout two millenia of gold mining. On August 14 I was… Continue reading 42. Two-millenia old Roman woodwork in conservation at the Catalina Monulesti gold mine gallery in Rosia Montana

67. Modern-age woodwork within the Catalina Monulesti gold mine gallery in Rosia Montana

woodwork within the Catalina Monulesti gold mine gallery in Rosia Montana”> Only open to visitors for five deay a year (August 14 – 18 and International Miner’s Day), the Cătălina Monulești gold mine is a complicated maze of tunnels spanning throughout two millenia of gold mining. On August 14 I was fortuitous ample of currently… Continue reading 67. Modern-age woodwork within the Catalina Monulesti gold mine gallery in Rosia Montana