TedsWoodworking Plans and Projects

Tag: Mario Bros.

  • Mario Bros. Wall Art – Woodworking Projects

    Mario Bros. Wall Art – Woodworking Projects

    Mario Bros. Wall Art - Woodworking Projects

    In this online video I make wall Artwork of my son, Sevin’s, favourite character – a Goomba, from Mario Bros. It is designed from Walnut, Cherry, and Maple wooden reduce to 1.5 square inch blocks and glued back collectively. It is attached to the wall applying a…

    woodworking-projects/” rel=”noreferrer nofollow”>surgreen.biz/instavidnuke/2016/12/21/mario-bros-wall-artwork-…

    Posted by frankwilberforce on 2016-12-23 03:00:03

    Tagged: , Cherry , diy , French Cleat , hand produced , how-to , Maple , Mario , Mario Bros. , Pixel Art , Pixelated Artwork , Wall Art , walnut , wood get the job done , wooden performing

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