J.C. Fraker Residence; Wichita, KS

This photo is circa (approximately) 1875. Exhibiting is the residence of J. C. Fraker at 306 East Central Avenue in Wichita, KS. This Next Empire fashion characteristics a Mansard roof. Stylistically, this house is a clear departure from the easy frame residences of the working day (background) that usually experienced gabled or lose roofs. The… Continue reading J.C. Fraker Residence; Wichita, KS

William Henry Sternberg: The Architect and Builder of Wichita’s Pratt-Campbell Mansion in KS.

The Pratt-Campbell Mansion, located on North Emporia in Wichita, Kansas, is a brick mansion built in the late 19th century by William Henry Sternberg. The mansion features ornate wood porches, multiple fireplaces, and corbelled chimneys, and has a roofline with a variety of angles and pitches. It is confirmed to have been designed and built… Continue reading William Henry Sternberg: The Architect and Builder of Wichita’s Pratt-Campbell Mansion in KS.

Pratt-Campbell Mansion, Wichita, KS (designed/built by W.H. Sternberg – still standing).

The Pratt Campbell Mansion at 1313 North Emporia is confirmed to have been intended & constructed by William Henry Sternberg. This home resembles other Sternberg homes from a amount of stylistic options like “helter skelter” roofline damaged by a assortment of pitches and dormers. Apart from the eyebrow dormers at the extremely apes of the… Continue reading Pratt-Campbell Mansion, Wichita, KS (designed/built by W.H. Sternberg – still standing).