Project JewelryBox from June 8th, 2014 at 10:40 pm.

In 2014, Mark decided to create a special gift for his youngest daughter, Olivia Joyce Bauer. He chose to make her a jewelry box by hand, and he set to work in May. Mark took his time cutting and sanding the wood for the box, being careful to make sure everything was precise and even.… Continue reading Project JewelryBox from June 8th, 2014 at 10:40 pm.

“10 Tips for Reducing Your Household Expenses”

The author of this content was fortunate enough to get permission from the city forester to haul away sections of a prime American Black Walnut tree after it was cut down for removal. Despite it being almost two years since the tree was taken out, the author wanted to test a small section of the… Continue reading “10 Tips for Reducing Your Household Expenses”