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Tag: asienman-photography

  • Benz Patent-Motorwagen – 1886 – ee

    Benz Patent-Motorwagen – 1886 – ee

    Benz Patent-Motorwagen - 1886 - ee

    “Vehicle Museum Volkswagen – Germany – Wolfsburg”

    Benz Patent-Motorwagen Nummer 1 war der Name des ersten von Carl Benz erbauten Automobils mit Verbrennungsmotor. Das Patent für dieses Dreiradfahrzeug wurde von Benz am 29. Januar 1886 eingereicht und als DRP Nr. 37435 am 2. November 1886 erteilt. Am 3. Juli 1886 führte Benz die erste öffentliche Probefahrt mit diesem Fahrzeug in Mannheim durch. Es gilt als der erste praxistaugliche Kraftwagen der Welt und setzt somit die Geburtsstunde des modernen Automobils. Das Bild rechts zeigt das Original im Verkehrszentrum des Deutschen Museums in München. Benz machte auf einem Kurbelveloziped (Tretkurbelfahrrad) seine entscheidenden Mobilitätserfahrungen und baute dann statt einer von ihm zunächst erwogenen Straßenlokomotive für den Kollektivverkehr ein leichtes motorisiertes Veloziped für Individualverkehr. Sein Patent-Motorwagen erinnert in Vielem noch an Fahrräder und Kutschen.

    Kernstück des Wagens war ein Einzylinder-Viertaktmotor mit einem Hubraum von ,954 Litern. Einige Details finden sich heute noch an Motoren: Kurbelwelle mit Gegengewichten, elektrische Zündung und Wasserkühlung.

    „Eine Tourenzahl von 250 Touren professional Moment erschien mir genügend, ja sogar sehr viel, und ich konnte feststellen, daß dieser Motor etwa 2/3 Pferdestärke ergab.“
    – Carl Benz.

    Spätere Messungen ergaben ,75 PS (551 W) bei 400/min. Der für damalige Verhältnisse mit rund 110 Kilogramm leichte Motor hatte einen Zylinder mit offenem Kurbelgehäuse, einen über eine Exzenterstange gesteuerte Einlass-Gleitschieber und ein Auslass-Tellerventil, betätigt über Nockenscheibe, Stoßstange und Kipphebel. Geschmiert wurde er über Tropföler. Das große Schwungrad konzipierte Benz für den Einbau in das Fahrgestell liegend, weil er befürchtete, dass bei senkrechter Anordnung wegen der Kreiselwirkung die Lenkung und die Standfestigkeit des Fahrzeuges in engen Kurven beeinträchtigt werde.

    Ein von Benz entwickelter Oberflächen-Vergaser bereitete das Gemisch auf und enthielt gleichzeitig auch einen Benzinvorrat von 1,5 Litern. Wobei es sich nicht um Benzin im heutigen Stil handelte, sondern eher um ein Alkohol-Benzingemisch (Ligroin) auch bekannt als Waschbenzin, das in Apotheken erhältlich war. Die Zusammensetzung des Benzin-Luft-Gemisches konnte mit einem Hülsenschieber korrigiert werden, der die Löcher für die Zusatz-Ansaugleitung mehr oder weniger abdeckte und so die Leistungsabgabe regelte. Im Fahrzeug fand sich dieser Schieber intestine erreichbar unterhalb des Fahrersitzes.

    Der Zündung widmete Benz etliche Versuche, bis er eine Lösung fand, die der damals geringen Leistung des Batteriestromes angepasst war. Er transformierte den Strom mit einem von Heinrich Daniel Rühmkorff entwickelten Funkeninduktor auf höhere Spannung. Auch die Zündkerze war eine Eigenentwicklung. Spätere Untersuchungen zeigten, dass der Werkstoff ihrer Elektroden mit dem handelsüblicher Zündkerzen der dreißiger Jahre des 20. Jahrhunderts weitgehend übereinstimmte.

    Die Kühlung des Verbrennungsmotors war ein besonderes Issue, denn er konnte nicht wie ein stationärer Motor einfach an eine Kühlwasserleitung angeschlossen werden. Benz verfiel auf eine einfache Verdampfungskühlung (Siedekühlung), die sich bei der geringen Leistung als wirkungsvoll und ausreichend erwies.

    Angelassen wurde der Motor durch beherztes Drehen des Schwungrades. Dass der Treibstoffvorrat im Vergaser nicht für eine längere Strecke reichte, störte Benz beim Patent-Motorwagen nicht weiter. Immerhin brauchte der Antrieb des Fahrzeugs auf 100 Kilometer rund 10 Liter des seinerzeit noch immer als gefährlich geltenden Ligroins.

    Der Rahmen war aus Stahlrohren gebogen und geschweißt. Da der Wagen Hinterradantrieb haben sollte, also von hinten geschoben wurde, tauchte das Issue der Lenkung auf, die anders konstruiert sein musste als bei einem gezogenen Wagen. Die sonst bei Kutschen gebräuchliche Drehschemel-Lenkung kam nicht in Frage, und nach seinen Zweirad-Erfahrungen entschied sich Benz für ein leicht gebautes Dreirad, ein dreirädriges Veloziped (siehe Patenttext). Das Vorderrad hing in einer ungefederten Gabel und wurde durch eine mit einer Kurbel verbundenen Zahnstange gelenkt. (Erst 1893 verwendete Benz eine Achsschenkel-Lenkung). Die drei mit Vollgummi bereiften Drahtspeichenräder fertigte Benz selbst, nur die Felgen waren „Fremdbezug“ von der Adler-Fahrradfabrik in Frankfurt. Das Vorderrad lief, wie seinerzeit im Fahrradbau üblich, in einem Kugellager, die Hinterräder in Weißmetallbuchsen.

    Der Wagen wurde mit je einer Kette one-way links und rechts der Vorgelegewelle über die Hinterräder angetrieben, die ihrerseits über eine Starrachse und Vollelliptikfedern mit dem Rahmen verbunden waren. Auf der Vorgelegewelle saß eine Antriebsscheibe samt integriertem Differential, daneben noch eine Leerlaufscheibe. Damit hatte das Riemen-Getriebe nur einen Vorwärtsgang und keinen Rückwärtsgang. Der Flachriemen zwischen der über Kegelräder angetriebenen Nockenwelle und Vorgelegewelle wirkte, dank der Leerlaufscheibe, gleichzeitig als Kupplung. Der Flachriemen wurde zum Anfahren mit einer Riemengabel von der Los- auf die Festscheibe verschoben. Das Motordrehmoment wurde wie bei Dampfmaschinen durch Verstellen der Steuerung des Einlassschiebers unterhalb des Fahrersitzes geregelt. Über dem Motor thronte der Vorratsbehälter für das Kühlwasser. Gebremst wurde mit einem Handhebel, der auf die Vorgelege-Riemenscheibe wirkte. Eine Fußbremse gab es noch nicht.

    Die Sitzbank war vor dem Motor auf geschwungenen Federn direkt auf den Rahmen montiert und mit abgestepptem Leder bezogen. Festen Halt gab ein niedriges, lederbezogenes Geländer im Rücken und an den Seiten.

    Sorgen bereiteten die Ketten: Die Fahrradketten waren noch mangelhaft, meist zu weich, und dehnten sich deshalb sehr, sprangen aus den Zahnrädern oder rissen. Da es aber keine besseren gab, musste Benz sich mit dem vorhandenen Substance begnügen.

    Die ersten Probefahrten fanden 1885 aus Gründen der Geheimhaltung im Fabrikhof statt und endeten an der Fabrikmauer. Auch der erste „Ausflug“ auf freier Strecke – bei Nacht – dauerte nur wenige Minuten. Nach hundert Metern blieb der Wagen stehen. In zahlreichen Versuchen konnte aber die Reichweite nach und nach verbessert werden.

    Am 29. Januar 1886 wurde schließlich das Fahrzeug beim Reichspatentamt unter der Nummer 37435 zum Patent angemeldet. Bei der ersten öffentlichen und per Zeitungsartikel dokumentierten Ausfahrt am 3. Juli 1886 auf der Ringstraße in Mannheim läuft sein Sohn Eugen mit einer Flasche Benzin nebenher, „um nachzuschütten, wenn das Benzin zu Ende geht“.

    Der Wagen blieb ein Einzelstück, ebenso wie sein direkter Nachfolger Patent-Motorwagen Nummer 2. Er wurde zunächst zum Vierradwagen umgebaut und später ausgeschlachtet. 1903 wurde er rekonstruiert. Dieser Benz Patent Motor-Wagen Nr. 1 steht heute im Verkehrszentrum des Deutschen Museums in München.

    Im Jahre 2011 wurde das Patent von der UNESCO in das Weltdokumentenerbe aufgenommen.


    The Benz Patent-Motorwagen (or motorcar), crafted in 1886, is greatly regarded as the world’s to start with car that is, a motor vehicle developed to be propelled by an inner combustion motor. The primary expense of the vehicle in 1885 was $1,000 (equal to $26,381 in 2015). The automobile was awarded the German patent, number 37435, for which Karl Benz utilized on January 29, 1886. Next official processes, the day of the software became the patent day for the invention at the time the patent was granted, which occurred in November of that calendar year.

    While Benz’s spouse, Bertha, financed the advancement process, and would hold patent rights less than fashionable regulation, as a married lady she was not allowed to use for the patent.

    Benz unveiled his creation to the community on July 3, 1886, on the Ringstrasse (Ringstraße) in Mannheim.

    About 25 Patent Motorwagens were designed amongst 1886 and 1893.

    Just after creating a successful gasoline-run two-stroke piston motor in 1873, Benz concentrated on establishing a motorized vehicle even though maintaining a job as a designer and producer of stationary engines and their connected areas.

    The Benz Patent-Motorwagen was a 3-wheeled auto with a rear-mounted engine. The car or truck contained quite a few new innovations. It was constructed of steel tubing with woodwork panels. The metal-spoked wheels and reliable rubber tires have been Benz’s personal style and design. Steering was by way of a toothed rack that pivoted the unsprung front wheel. Fully elliptic springs have been utilized at the again alongside with a live axle and chain drive on both equally sides. A straightforward belt procedure served as a solitary-speed transmission, different torque amongst an open up disc and generate disc.

    The to start with Motorwagen utilised the Benz 954 cc solitary-cylinder 4-stroke motor with trembler coil ignition. This new motor developed 500 watts (2⁄3 hp) at 250 rpm in the Patent-Motorwagen, while afterwards exams by the University of Mannheim confirmed it to be able of 670 W at 400 rpm. It was an particularly light-weight engine for the time, weighing about 100 kg. While its open up crankcase and drip oiling system would be alien to a contemporary mechanic, its use of a pushrod-operated poppet valve for exhaust would be really familiar. A large horizontal flywheel stabilized the single-cylinder engine’s energy output. An evaporative carburettor was managed by a sleeve valve to control ability and engine speed. The initial design of the Motorwagen experienced not been created with a carburetor, instead a basin of fuel soaked fibers that provided fuel to the cylinder by evaporation.

    Benz later produced far more types of the Motorwagen, design number 2 experienced 1.1 kW engine, and product number 3 had 1.5 kW engine, allowing the vehicle to attain a greatest pace of about 16 km/h. The chassis was improved in 1887 with the introduction of wooden-spoke wheels, a gas tank, and a guide leather-based shoe brake on the rear wheels.

    Bertha Benz, married to Karl, chose to publicize the Patent-Motorwagen in a special manner: She took the Patent-Motorwagen No. 3, supposedly devoid of her husband’s know-how, and drove it on the initial extended-distance auto street excursion to demonstrate its feasibility. that trip occurred in early August 1888, as the entrepreneurial girl took her sons Eugen and Richard, fifteen and fourteen yrs aged, respectively, on a ride from Mannheim through Heidelberg, and Wiesloch (where by she took on ligroin as a fuel at the metropolis pharmacy, producing it the initially filling station in background), to her maternal hometown of Pforzheim.

    As nicely as currently being the driver, Benz acted as mechanic on the push, cleaning the carburetor with her hat pin and applying a garter to insulate a wire. She refueled at the local pharmacy in Wiesloch. As the brakes wore down, Benz questioned a local shoemaker to nail leather on the brake blocks, thus inventing brake linings. Soon after sending a telegram to her partner of her arrival in Pforzheim, she expended the night time at her mother’s property and returned dwelling three days later. The trip included 194 km in full.

    In Germany, a parade of antique cars celebrates this historic excursion of Bertha Benz each and every two several years. In 2008, the Bertha Benz Memorial Route was officially permitted as a route of industrial heritage of mankind, mainly because it follows Bertha Benz’s tracks of the world’s very first lengthy-distance journey by vehicle in 1888. Now everybody can adhere to the 194 km of signposted route from Mannheim by means of Heidelberg to Pforzheim (Black Forest) and back again.


    Posted by Manfred Sommer (333 Million Sights) on 2022-02-05 22:20:09

    Tagged: , Benz Patent-Motorwagen – 1986 , asienman-photography , asienman-photoart

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  • China – Yunnan – Dali – Market – 41

    China – Yunnan – Dali – Market – 41

    China - Yunnan - Dali - Market - 41

    Dali City, previously recognized as Tali, is the county-degree seat of the Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture in northwestern Yunnan,

    Very similar to Carlisle in England, Dali Metropolis is not a single city but a county-sized spot referred to as a town for administrative functions. Transportation to “Dali” ordinarily comes at the contemporary industrial metropolis named Dali but domestically distinguished by its former identify Xiaguan. Vacationers to and dialogue of “Dali”, nonetheless, ordinarily refers to the old city situated about an hour absent. The aged town is one particular of the most popular vacationer places in Yunnan, known for its all-natural landscapes, historic and cultural heritage, and vibrant nightlife.

    The Dali space was previously recognised as Jumie (苴咩, Jūmiē). The previous city was the medieval capital of both equally the Bai kingdom Nanzhao (fl. 8th and 9th generations) and the Kingdom of Dali (937–1253). That city was razed and its documents burnt for the duration of its conquest by China’s Mongolian Yuan Dynasty. The current aged town was organized in the late 14th century below the Hongwu Emperor of the Ming Dynasty. The space turned considerably Muslim (Hui) less than the Yuan and Ming and was the center of the Panthay Revolt versus the Qing from 1856–1863. It was seriously weakened throughout a enormous earthquake in 1925.

    Rail and then air transportation have permitted the space (significantly Dali Previous Town) to turn out to be obtainable to tourists in the 20th century. It is now just one of China’s official vacationer towns and, together with close by Lijiang, just one of the most preferred. To maintain the enchantment of the old town, industrial development is restricted to places these as Xiaguan while making codes mandate new building the outdated city and bordering countryside must conform to the traditional Chinese style, with tiled roofs and brick, plaster, or white-washed walls.

    Dali City is northwest of the provincial capital, Kunming: about 40 minutes by air or 7 several hours by educate.

    Dali is found on a fertile plateau between the Cangshan Variety to the west and Erhai lake to the east. It has typically been settled by the Bai and Yi minorities. It is also the cash of the Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture.

    Internet sites OF Interest
    Dali is a person of Yunnan’s most common vacationer destinations. Sights consist of:

    – Dali museum
    – Chong Sheng Temple
    – Guanyin Palace of Copper Rain (rebuilt in 1999)
    – Jianji Terrific Bell of Nanzhao (recast in 1997)
    – 3 Pagodas
    – Butterfly Spring
    – Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils movie metropolis
    Xizhou: a historical town famed for its architecture and woodwork
    – Shaxi: a historic city in Jianchuan County on the historic tea route
    – Shuang lang: on the reverse facet of the lake, once a smaller fishing village, now a relatively substantial-course vacationer place, most structures and corporations obtaining overtaken the village considering the fact that 2012. The coast is now entirely developed up by tourism estates.

    Financial system
    Significantly of the area economic system now facilities all-around tourism and companies catering to travelers.

    Historically, Dali was equipped to manage some of the trade involving India and China and independently famed for the woodworkers of Xizhou (喜州, Xǐzhōu) and for its higher-quality marble, utilized the two for design and attractive objects. It was so outstanding in the latter that the fashionable Chinese phrase for marble is basically “Dali stone” (大理石, dàlǐshí).

    There is also local tea

    Local transportation involves busses, taxis, bicycles, and boats on Erhai Lake. Regional busses 4 & 8 present support from Xiaguan to the previous city (1 hr).

    Dali Airport (DLU) is a domestic airport about 13 km (8.1 mi) east of Xiaguan on Weishan or Airport Rd. Taxis run about 60 RMB to Xiaguan or 90 RMB to the old town.[citation needed] It services (as of 2014) Kunming (20 min), Xishuangbanna (25 min), Chongqing (70 min), Chengdu (80 min), Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Guiyuan.

    Dali (i.e., Xiaguan) is related to Kunming and factors east by the Hangrui Expressway (G56), which also operates west to Ruili on the Burmese border. The Dali Expressway (G56₁₁) is a spur connecting it with Lijiang. The highway to the previous town is China Countrywide Freeway 214, which connects to the expresseway to Lijiang north of the lake. It also operates south from Xiaguan to Menghai near the Burmese border.

    Very long-distance busses operate from the previous town’s west gate to Kunming (about 4½ hrs), Lijiang, and Shangri-La. Each and every Monday, support is also offered to Shaping for its marketplace.

    Extended-distance busses run from Xiaguan’s stations on Jianshe Highway.

    Dali (i.e., Xiaguan) has rail connections with day by day support to Kunming by means of the Guangtong-Dali Railway and Lijiang by means of the Dali-Lijiang Railway. Service to Kunming normally consists of a person practice in the course of the day and two trains managing overnight, with sleeper vehicles. As the railway network expands in Yunnan, practice assistance will turn out to be obtainable to Shangri-La County and Ruili.

    Its small latitude tempered by its higher elevation, Dali has a delicate subtropical highland climate (Köppen Cwb) with shorter, gentle, dry winters and warm, wet summers. Frost might happen in winter season but the times continue to usually heat up to 15 °C or more. During summertime, a greater part of the times characteristics some rainfall and daytime temperatures rise to 24 °C. A good vast majority of the year’s rainfall happens from June to October. December 2013 was particularly marked for its superior snowfall.


    Posted by Manfred Sommer (332 Million Views) on 2014-06-29 18:01:57

    Tagged: , China , Yunnan , Dali , asienman-photography

    #furnishings #Do-it-yourself #woodwork #woodworking #freedownload#woodworkingprojects #woodsmith ,wood craft, wood planer, good woodworking, wooden chairs, wood working tools, well known woodworking, woodworking guides, woodworking workbench ideas

  • China – Yunnan – Dali – Market – 67

    China – Yunnan – Dali – Market – 67

    China - Yunnan - Dali - Market - 67

    Dali Metropolis, previously identified as Tali, is the county-amount seat of the Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture in northwestern Yunnan,

    Very similar to Carlisle in England, Dali Metropolis is not a solitary city but a county-sized place called a metropolis for administrative functions. Transportation to “Dali” ordinarily comes at the modern day industrial town named Dali but locally distinguished by its former name Xiaguan. Travelers to and discussion of “Dali”, nonetheless, typically refers to the aged city positioned about an hour away. The old city is just one of the most common vacationer destinations in Yunnan, known for its all-natural landscapes, historic and cultural heritage, and vibrant nightlife.

    The Dali location was previously identified as Jumie (苴咩, Jūmiē). The previous city was the medieval cash of each the Bai kingdom Nanzhao (fl. 8th and 9th hundreds of years) and the Kingdom of Dali (937–1253). That town was razed and its records burnt during its conquest by China’s Mongolian Yuan Dynasty. The existing outdated city was structured in the late 14th century underneath the Hongwu Emperor of the Ming Dynasty. The area became significantly Muslim (Hui) underneath the Yuan and Ming and was the middle of the Panthay Rise up against the Qing from 1856–1863. It was severely destroyed all through a significant earthquake in 1925.

    Rail and then air transportation have permitted the space (specifically Dali Previous City) to come to be obtainable to holidaymakers in the 20th century. It is now one particular of China’s official vacationer towns and, alongside with close by Lijiang, one particular of the most well-known. To maintain the attraction of the outdated town, industrial progress is limited to parts these as Xiaguan when setting up codes mandate new building the aged city and bordering countryside must conform to the regular Chinese fashion, with tiled roofs and brick, plaster, or white-washed walls.

    Dali City is northwest of the provincial cash, Kunming: about 40 minutes by air or 7 hrs by teach.

    Dali is positioned on a fertile plateau in between the Cangshan Array to the west and Erhai lake to the east. It has historically been settled by the Bai and Yi minorities. It is also the money of the Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture.

    Web sites OF Curiosity
    Dali is 1 of Yunnan’s most common vacationer destinations. Sights include things like:

    – Dali museum
    – Chong Sheng Temple
    – Guanyin Palace of Copper Rain (rebuilt in 1999)
    – Jianji Fantastic Bell of Nanzhao (recast in 1997)
    – A few Pagodas
    – Butterfly Spring
    – Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils film town
    Xizhou: a historic city famed for its architecture and woodwork
    – Shaxi: a historic town in Jianchuan County on the historic tea route
    – Shuang lang: on the opposite aspect of the lake, at the time a little fishing village, now a relatively significant-class tourist place, most buildings and enterprises obtaining overtaken the village given that 2012. The coastline is now totally crafted up by tourism estates.

    Economic climate
    A lot of the community economic climate now facilities all-around tourism and solutions catering to vacationers.

    Traditionally, Dali was in a position to control some of the trade in between India and China and independently famed for the woodworkers of Xizhou (喜州, Xǐzhōu) and for its superior-good quality marble, utilised each for building and decorative objects. It was so notable in the latter that the fashionable Chinese term for marble is pretty much “Dali stone” (大理石, dàlǐshí).

    There is also community tea

    Local transport involves busses, taxis, bicycles, and boats on Erhai Lake. Community busses 4 & 8 present provider from Xiaguan to the aged town (1 hr).

    Dali Airport (DLU) is a domestic airport about 13 km (8.1 mi) east of Xiaguan on Weishan or Airport Rd. Taxis operate about 60 RMB to Xiaguan or 90 RMB to the previous town.[citation needed] It products and services (as of 2014) Kunming (20 min), Xishuangbanna (25 min), Chongqing (70 min), Chengdu (80 min), Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Guiyuan.

    Dali (i.e., Xiaguan) is linked to Kunming and points east by the Hangrui Expressway (G56), which also operates west to Ruili on the Burmese border. The Dali Expressway (G56₁₁) is a spur connecting it with Lijiang. The street to the previous city is China Nationwide Freeway 214, which connects to the expresseway to Lijiang north of the lake. It also runs south from Xiaguan to Menghai close to the Burmese border.

    Long-length busses run from the aged town’s west gate to Kunming (about 4½ hrs), Lijiang, and Shangri-La. Every single Monday, assistance is also accessible to Shaping for its marketplace.

    Long-distance busses run from Xiaguan’s stations on Jianshe Highway.

    Dali (i.e., Xiaguan) has rail connections with daily services to Kunming via the Guangtong-Dali Railway and Lijiang through the Dali-Lijiang Railway. Assistance to Kunming generally is composed of one particular educate during the working day and two trains jogging overnight, with sleeper cars and trucks. As the railway network expands in Yunnan, train company will come to be available to Shangri-La County and Ruili.

    Local climate
    Its reduced latitude tempered by its superior elevation, Dali has a mild subtropical highland weather (Köppen Cwb) with limited, gentle, dry winters and warm, wet summers. Frost may well arise in winter season but the days still generally warm up to 15 °C or extra. Through summer months, a vast majority of the times features some rainfall and daytime temperatures rise to 24 °C. A terrific bulk of the year’s rainfall occurs from June to Oct. December 2013 was significantly marked for its large snowfall.


    Posted by Manfred Sommer (332 Million Sights) on 2014-06-29 18:01:28

    Tagged: , China , Yunnan , Dali , asienman-photography

    #furniture #Diy #woodwork #woodworking #freedownload#woodworkingprojects #woodsmith ,wood craft, wood planer, good woodworking, wood chairs, wood functioning applications, preferred woodworking, woodworking books, woodworking workbench strategies

  • China – Yunnan – Dali – Shop – 99

    China – Yunnan – Dali – Shop – 99

    China - Yunnan - Dali - Shop - 99

    Dali City, formerly regarded as Tali, is the county-degree seat of the Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture in northwestern Yunnan,

    Comparable to Carlisle in England, Dali Town is not a single town but a county-sized space identified as a town for administrative reasons. Transportation to “Dali” generally arrives at the present day industrial metropolis termed Dali but domestically distinguished by its former title Xiaguan. Vacationers to and dialogue of “Dali”, nonetheless, ordinarily refers to the old town positioned about an hour absent. The previous city is a single of the most well-liked tourist destinations in Yunnan, recognized for its all-natural landscapes, historic and cultural heritage, and lively nightlife.

    Historical past
    The Dali spot was formerly regarded as Jumie (苴咩, Jūmiē). The previous city was the medieval funds of both of those the Bai kingdom Nanzhao (fl. 8th and 9th centuries) and the Kingdom of Dali (937–1253). That city was razed and its information burnt for the duration of its conquest by China’s Mongolian Yuan Dynasty. The existing old city was organized in the late 14th century beneath the Hongwu Emperor of the Ming Dynasty. The region grew to become drastically Muslim (Hui) less than the Yuan and Ming and was the centre of the Panthay Revolt from the Qing from 1856–1863. It was seriously destroyed during a enormous earthquake in 1925.

    Rail and then air transportation have permitted the place (specifically Dali Aged City) to turn into available to holidaymakers in the 20th century. It is now a person of China’s official vacationer cities and, along with nearby Lijiang, one of the most well-liked. To protect the attraction of the aged town, industrial progress is limited to regions these types of as Xiaguan even though constructing codes mandate new building the old town and surrounding countryside must conform to the classic Chinese style, with tiled roofs and brick, plaster, or white-washed partitions.

    Dali Town is northwest of the provincial funds, Kunming: about 40 minutes by air or 7 hours by practice.

    Dali is located on a fertile plateau in between the Cangshan Assortment to the west and Erhai lake to the east. It has historically been settled by the Bai and Yi minorities. It is also the funds of the Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture.

    Internet sites OF Desire
    Dali is one of Yunnan’s most well-liked tourist places. Sights involve:

    – Dali museum
    – Chong Sheng Temple
    – Guanyin Palace of Copper Rain (rebuilt in 1999)
    – Jianji Great Bell of Nanzhao (recast in 1997)
    – A few Pagodas
    – Butterfly Spring
    – Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils film metropolis
    Xizhou: a historical town famed for its architecture and woodwork
    – Shaxi: a historic city in Jianchuan County on the historic tea route
    – Shuang lang: on the opposite side of the lake, after a small fishing village, now a alternatively large-course vacationer desired destination, most buildings and firms having overtaken the village due to the fact 2012. The coastline is now entirely designed up by tourism estates.

    Economic system
    A lot of the community economy now centers all around tourism and providers catering to vacationers.

    Historically, Dali was in a position to manage some of the trade among India and China and independently famed for the woodworkers of Xizhou (喜州, Xǐzhōu) and for its large-good quality marble, utilised both of those for development and attractive objects. It was so distinguished in the latter that the modern-day Chinese word for marble is virtually “Dali stone” (大理石, dàlǐshí).

    There is also local tea

    Neighborhood TRANSPORTATION
    Local transportation incorporates busses, taxis, bicycles, and boats on Erhai Lake. Neighborhood busses 4 & 8 deliver support from Xiaguan to the previous town (1 hr).

    Dali Airport (DLU) is a domestic airport about 13 km (8.1 mi) east of Xiaguan on Weishan or Airport Rd. Taxis run about 60 RMB to Xiaguan or 90 RMB to the outdated city.[citation needed] It providers (as of 2014) Kunming (20 min), Xishuangbanna (25 min), Chongqing (70 min), Chengdu (80 min), Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Guiyuan.

    Dali (i.e., Xiaguan) is connected to Kunming and factors east by the Hangrui Expressway (G56), which also runs west to Ruili on the Burmese border. The Dali Expressway (G56₁₁) is a spur connecting it with Lijiang. The road to the previous city is China Nationwide Highway 214, which connects to the expresseway to Lijiang north of the lake. It also runs south from Xiaguan to Menghai in the vicinity of the Burmese border.

    Extensive-distance busses run from the aged town’s west gate to Kunming (about 4½ hrs), Lijiang, and Shangri-La. Each and every Monday, service is also readily available to Shaping for its market.

    Very long-distance busses run from Xiaguan’s stations on Jianshe Highway.

    Dali (i.e., Xiaguan) has rail connections with everyday company to Kunming via the Guangtong-Dali Railway and Lijiang by way of the Dali-Lijiang Railway. Assistance to Kunming generally is composed of one particular prepare for the duration of the working day and two trains managing right away, with sleeper vehicles. As the railway community expands in Yunnan, train support will become readily available to Shangri-La County and Ruili.

    Its lower latitude tempered by its higher elevation, Dali has a gentle subtropical highland climate (Köppen Cwb) with short, mild, dry winters and warm, wet summers. Frost could occur in wintertime but the times however usually warm up to 15 °C or additional. Throughout summer season, a greater part of the times features some rainfall and daytime temperatures increase to 24 °C. A wonderful vast majority of the year’s rainfall happens from June to Oct. December 2013 was especially marked for its substantial snowfall.


    Posted by Manfred Sommer (332 Million Sights) on 2014-06-29 18:01:41

    Tagged: , China , Yunnan , Dali , asienman-images

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  • China – Yunnan – Dali – Country Side

    China – Yunnan – Dali – Country Side

    China - Yunnan - Dali - Country Side

    Dali Metropolis, formerly identified as Tali, is the county-level seat of the Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture in northwestern Yunnan,

    Similar to Carlisle in England, Dali City is not a one town but a county-sized location identified as a town for administrative purposes. Transportation to “Dali” generally arrives at the fashionable industrial metropolis identified as Dali but regionally distinguished by its previous title Xiaguan. Tourists to and discussion of “Dali”, nonetheless, usually refers to the outdated town positioned about an hour absent. The old town is a person of the most well-known vacationer locations in Yunnan, known for its purely natural surroundings, historic and cultural heritage, and lively nightlife.

    The Dali region was previously recognized as Jumie (苴咩, Jūmiē). The aged city was the medieval money of both the Bai kingdom Nanzhao (fl. 8th and 9th hundreds of years) and the Kingdom of Dali (937–1253). That city was razed and its data burnt all through its conquest by China’s Mongolian Yuan Dynasty. The present aged city was structured in the late 14th century below the Hongwu Emperor of the Ming Dynasty. The region turned noticeably Muslim (Hui) below the Yuan and Ming and was the heart of the Panthay Revolt towards the Qing from 1856–1863. It was seriously damaged throughout a huge earthquake in 1925.

    Rail and then air transport have permitted the space (significantly Dali Aged City) to turn out to be available to travellers in the 20th century. It is now one of China’s official vacationer towns and, alongside with close by Lijiang, one of the most well-known. To preserve the charm of the old city, industrial improvement is restricted to parts these as Xiaguan although developing codes mandate new development the aged city and bordering countryside ought to conform to the standard Chinese model, with tiled roofs and brick, plaster, or white-washed walls.

    Dali Metropolis is northwest of the provincial capital, Kunming: about 40 minutes by air or 7 hours by prepare.

    Dali is located on a fertile plateau involving the Cangshan Assortment to the west and Erhai lake to the east. It has ordinarily been settled by the Bai and Yi minorities. It is also the cash of the Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture.

    Web-sites OF Desire
    Dali is just one of Yunnan’s most well known tourist places. Sights contain:

    – Dali museum
    – Chong Sheng Temple
    – Guanyin Palace of Copper Rain (rebuilt in 1999)
    – Jianji Terrific Bell of Nanzhao (recast in 1997)
    – 3 Pagodas
    – Butterfly Spring
    – Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils movie town
    Xizhou: a historic town famed for its architecture and woodwork
    – Shaxi: a historic city in Jianchuan County on the historic tea route
    – Shuang lang: on the opposite facet of the lake, the moment a little fishing village, now a rather substantial-class vacationer vacation spot, most buildings and organizations acquiring overtaken the village considering the fact that 2012. The coastline is now entirely constructed up by tourism estates.

    Financial system
    A great deal of the community overall economy now centers all over tourism and companies catering to travelers.

    Traditionally, Dali was equipped to control some of the trade amongst India and China and independently famed for the woodworkers of Xizhou (喜州, Xǐzhōu) and for its superior-good quality marble, applied each for building and decorative objects. It was so distinguished in the latter that the modern Chinese word for marble is virtually “Dali stone” (大理石, dàlǐshí).

    There is also local tea

    Community transport incorporates busses, taxis, bicycles, and boats on Erhai Lake. Community busses 4 & 8 supply provider from Xiaguan to the old town (1 hr).

    Dali Airport (DLU) is a domestic airport about 13 km (8.1 mi) east of Xiaguan on Weishan or Airport Rd. Taxis operate about 60 RMB to Xiaguan or 90 RMB to the previous town.[citation needed] It products and services (as of 2014) Kunming (20 min), Xishuangbanna (25 min), Chongqing (70 min), Chengdu (80 min), Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Guiyuan.

    Dali (i.e., Xiaguan) is linked to Kunming and factors east by the Hangrui Expressway (G56), which also runs west to Ruili on the Burmese border. The Dali Expressway (G56₁₁) is a spur connecting it with Lijiang. The road to the previous city is China Countrywide Freeway 214, which connects to the expresseway to Lijiang north of the lake. It also runs south from Xiaguan to Menghai around the Burmese border.

    Lengthy-distance busses operate from the old town’s west gate to Kunming (about 4½ hrs), Lijiang, and Shangri-La. Each individual Monday, company is also obtainable to Shaping for its marketplace.

    Extended-length busses operate from Xiaguan’s stations on Jianshe Highway.

    Dali (i.e., Xiaguan) has rail connections with day-to-day provider to Kunming by way of the Guangtong-Dali Railway and Lijiang via the Dali-Lijiang Railway. Assistance to Kunming generally is made up of just one prepare during the day and two trains functioning overnight, with sleeper cars and trucks. As the railway community expands in Yunnan, practice assistance will come to be readily available to Shangri-La County and Ruili.

    Local climate
    Its very low latitude tempered by its higher elevation, Dali has a gentle subtropical highland weather (Köppen Cwb) with brief, gentle, dry winters and warm, rainy summers. Frost could arise in wintertime but the days however normally warm up to 15 °C or far more. All through summer, a majority of the days functions some rainfall and daytime temperatures increase to 24 °C. A good greater part of the year’s rainfall occurs from June to Oct. December 2013 was especially marked for its large snowfall.


    Posted by Manfred Sommer (332 Million Views) on 2022-03-26 22:37:53

    Tagged: , China , Yunnan , Dali , Country Side , asienman-pictures

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