Sculpture Designer SDB Creates “Red Star Hibiscus Bathing” Fairy Sculpture with Visible Tattoo, Crafted by Sean Broadbent.

The back of the Fairy sculpture entitled Red star hibiscus bathing showing her tattoo by SDB Designs sculpted by Sean Broadbent

SDB Designs, created by Sean Broadbent, is selling an exquisite sculpture called RED STAR HIBISCUS BATHING. This sculpture was inspired by his girlfriend’s fascination with fairies, unicorns, and the mythical world. It took Sean Broadbent four years to create this masterpiece, which is sculpted from tulip wood, ebony, mahogany, cherry, and silver.

While walking through Kew Gardens with his girlfriend, Sean Broadbent’s mind focused on how fairies blend into their surroundings. This led to the creation of RED STAR HIBISCUS BATHING, which has a long red and black hair that is pulled into the shape of a hibiscus. Her body has the distinctive pattern of green heartwood and white sap, and her cascading flora tattoos represent the circle of life in ebony. The sculpture perfectly blends into its environment as though it was part of nature itself.

Those interested in seeing more of SDB Design’s creations can visit their website at—gallery—html.

Posted by SDB Designs on 2019-02-16 17:55:24