TedsWoodworking Plans and Projects

Project Faire’s New Companions

New Friends of Faire project

The author is a photographer who takes pictures at renaissance faires, with the Bristol Renaissance Faire in Kenosha, WI being their favorite. They are also a member of Friends of Faire (FoF), a volunteer organization that keeps faire-goers hydrated and safe. FoF has both season memberships and day passes for people to join. In 2012, the author had two benches made by DG to donate to FoF. The day before they delivered the benches, the author’s dad asked them to pick up his bench as he was downsizing to a condo and couldn’t bring it with him. In 2013, FoF asked DG to make more benches and tables, paying him the “friends and family” rate. The furniture remains durable and in great condition. During the fall, the head of FoF asked DG to make more benches and tables, which they have done.

Posted by Pahz on 2017-06-09 00:12:24