TedsWoodworking Plans and Projects

Port Hadlock WA – NWSWBB – Contemporary – Bangor Packet – Measuring for deck beams

Port Hadlock WA - NWSWBB - Contemporary - Bangor Packet - Measuring for deck beams

Port Hadlock WA - NWSWBB - Contemporary - Bangor Packet - Measuring for deck beams

This is the Joel White-intended Bangor Packet, a sliding seat rowing wherry, less than construction in Instructor Bruce Blatchley’s Contemporary (wood composite) class.

This pupil is identifying how to reduce the carlin notches for the deck beams.

We created the boat of 3 layers of skinny veneers more than a basket mould. The boat, with its sliding seat, weighs about 100 lbs ..

For more on Joel White, please see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joel_White

WoodenBoat magazine is also a good source of data about Joel White, his lifetime and types. www.woodenboat.com

Joel White’s obituary, in the New York Moments, offers an great overview of this proficient designer. www.nytimes.com/1997/12/10/sports activities/joel-white-66-designer-…

The Northwest University of Wood Boatbuilding is positioned in Port Hadlock WA, on the Olympic Peninsula, and is a personal, accredited non-gain vocational university.

Our mission is to train and protect the fine art of picket boatbuilding and conventional maritime crafts.

You can obtain us on the web at www.nwboatschool.org .

You can attain us via e-mail at info@nwboatschool.org or by contacting us at 360-385-4948.

Posted by Northwest Faculty of Wooden Boatbuilding on 2012-09-24 04:45:51

Tagged: , Northwest University of Wooden Boatbuilding , Boat Faculty , wood , wood , boat , boatbuilding , woodworking , Port Hadlock , WA , Washington , Olympic Peninsula , NWSWB , NWSWBB , NWSB , NW Boat University , Wooden Boat University , Pacific Northwest , Puget Audio , PNW , Port Townsend , Quimper Peninsula , craft , craftsmanship , maritime , vocational , vocational schooling , wood shop , boat store , Bruce Blatchley , Teacher Bruce Blatchley , cold molded , Joel White , Designer Joel White , Bangor Packet , rowing , rowing wherry , wherry , veneers

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