Kenwood Convent of The Sacred Heart: A Piece of Albany’s History – Guard House Located at South Pearl Street Entrance

Historic Kenwood Convent of The Sacred Heart, Albany, New York - 01  Guard House At South Pearl Street Entrance

The Kenwood Academy property in Albany, New York, is a 73-acre wooded campus, featuring a large 1878 Gothic Revival-style building that was once a private Roman Catholic school. The campus also includes a gatehouse, gardener’s cottage, carriage barn, two gyms, tennis court, athletic fields, and two other homes on the property.

The property has been empty since the Doane Stuart School moved out and the religious order closed its convent in 2008. The list price has dropped to $2.9m. Several ideas have been floated for the unique property, including an international boarding school and language institute, with retail opportunities on the exterior of the campus fronting busy Southern Boulevard and South Pearl Street.

However, there has been little progress in terms of development or sale, as several ideas have failed to materialize, and partnerships have been renounced or downsized. Currently, one person is searching for further financial and development partners for the Kenwood Academy site.

Posted by Adventure George on 2017-07-02 02:23:12