The Lancaster County Super Fair, an annual fair in Nebraska, features a range of exhibits showcasing the talents and skills of 4-H and FFA members in science, engineering, and technology. These exhibits include projects in aerospace, computer science, geospatial technology, electricity, robotics, wind power, small engines, model vehicles, woodworking, welding, safety, and bicycles.
One feature of the fair is the interview judging process, which provides 4-H participants with an opportunity to discuss their static exhibits with judges and share their experiences and lessons learned. Participants have the opportunity to gain feedback and learn about what judges look for in their projects, enabling them to improve their skills and knowledge.
The science, engineering, and technology exhibits at the Lancaster County Super Fair showcase the diverse interests and talents of 4-H and FFA members, while also demonstrating the importance of these fields in the modern world. By offering opportunities for young people to explore these areas and receive feedback and guidance from experienced professionals, the fair helps to foster future leaders in science and technology.
Posted by Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County on 2014-08-11 16:24:15