Judging Interviews for 4-H Science, Engineering, and Technology Exhibits in 2007

4-H Science, Engineering & Tech Exhibits - Interview Judging 07

4-H and FFA members have the opportunity to showcase their science, engineering, and technology projects at the Lancaster County Super Fair. The exhibits are judged by experts in the field of aerospace, computer science, geospatial technology, electricity, robotics, wind power, small engines, model vehicles, woodworking, welding, safety, and bicycles.

One of the key aspects of the judging process is the opportunity for 4-H members to communicate their findings and talk about what they learned throughout the project. This allows them to share their experiences and also receive feedback on how to improve their skills for future projects.

In addition, the judges provide insight into what they look for in a project and how to make improvements in different areas. This allows 4-H members to gain valuable knowledge and skills that can be applied to future projects and beyond.

Overall, the 4-H/FFA Science, Engineering & Technology exhibits at the Lancaster County Super Fair provide a platform for young learners to showcase their talents and gain valuable experience in the field of science and technology.

Posted by Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County on 2013-08-07 15:57:24