The Grass in the Wind project is a Kickstarter campaign for a new feature-length animated film that tells the story of a young boy named Jonah who lives in a small village surrounded by vast fields of wheat. Jonah’s life is turned upside down when a group of scientists arrive in the village to conduct experiments on the wheat, which begins to have a profound effect on both the crops and the people living there.
The film, which has been in development for the past four years, is the brainchild of animator and filmmaker Eri Umusu, who has spent her entire life creating and telling stories through animation. With Grass in the Wind, Umusu hopes to create a visually stunning film that explores themes of environmentalism, community, and the power of storytelling.
At its core, Grass in the Wind is a story about a boy who learns to question authority and find his own voice in the face of adversity. Throughout the film, Jonah wrestles with the ethics of the scientists’ experiments and the impact they are having on his community, eventually leading him to take matters into his own hands and stand up for what he believes in.
In addition to its compelling story, Grass in the Wind also boasts a unique visual style that draws inspiration from both Japanese anime and traditional African storytelling. Umusu and her team have created a rich and vibrant world that is sure to captivate audiences of all ages.
The Kickstarter campaign for Grass in the Wind is currently underway, with the goal of raising $70,000 to help fund the final stages of production. Backers can choose from a variety of rewards, including digital copies of the film, exclusive artwork, and even the opportunity to have their name appear in the credits.
Overall, Grass in the Wind is an ambitious and exciting project that aims to push the boundaries of traditional animation and tell a story that is both entertaining and thought-provoking. With your support, Umusu and her team can bring this unique vision to life and share it with the world.
Posted by Clark DeLong on 2012-09-03 21:56:17