Furniture Cemetery

chair (etc) graveyard

The author of this content recently purchased a house that had previously been owned by a furniture restorer. As a result, there were a number of pieces of furniture left behind that did not quite make the cut for restoration. Among these items were various chairs that had been piled up in a corner of a large outbuilding.

The author is now faced with a decision of what to do with these chairs. On one hand, they could be considered trash and simply discarded. On the other hand, they may hold some value or potential for restoration, making them a potential treasure.

The content of this piece is focused on this dilemma and the thought process behind whether to keep or discard these chairs.

In considering whether these chairs are worth keeping, the author first examines their condition. Some are clearly in worse shape than others, with broken legs or other significant damage. Others may only require some basic repairs or new upholstery to be restored to their former glory.

Next, the author examines the potential value of these chairs. Are they rare or unique pieces that may hold value for collectors? Will they fit in with the style of the house or be able to be sold for a profit?

Additionally, the author considers the resources required for restoration. Do they have the tools and expertise needed to restore the chairs themselves, or will they need to hire someone else? Will the cost of restoration outweigh any potential profits from selling the chairs? These are all important factors to consider when deciding whether to keep or discard these chairs.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to keep or discard these chairs comes down to personal preference and individual circumstances. As the author notes, this is a common dilemma when it comes to furniture restoration.

While it may be tempting to discard these chairs and move on, there is also the potential for uncovering something of value or meaning. By taking the time to carefully consider each piece, the author may be able to turn what was once considered trash into a treasure.

Posted by c. on 2006-10-09 22:46:12