Forrabury’s Memory Slowly Fades Away

A Fading Memory at Forrabury

St. Symphorian’s Church is located in Forrabury, Cornwall, UK. The church was established during Norman times with the addition of a tower in 1750. It is a classic example of Norman style architecture.

The Churches Project was initiated in 2015 by a photographer who wanted to capture black and white images of Cornwall’s granite landscapes. After visiting Zennor Church, the photographer realized that Cornwall’s churches and churchyards had photogenic characteristics like gritty exteriors in black and white photography, and colorful woodwork, stonework, kneeler cushions, and stained glass windows for indoor shots. The photographer aimed to capture the historic grandeur of Cornwall’s churches before it was lost to time and natural wear and tear.

The Cornish Historic Churches Trust is an organization that looks after Cornwall’s churches for future generations. They are dedicated to preserving the rich cultural heritage of Cornwall by maintaining and restoring churches that hold immense cultural and historical significance.

Inline Filters UK sponsors all photography and equipment used by the project. The photographer does not charge for sharing the images and encourages the use of his work with an accreditation. He urges anyone who benefits financially from his work to donate to, a charity dedicated to helping people with visual impairments.

Piktour is the photography website where the images are posted. Piktour means picture in Cornish, and it is a platform for photographers to showcase their work. The images on Piktour are compressed to around 512KB, but a fine art section is in the works for high-quality prints. Interested buyers can check availability at, and inquiries about unavailable images can be sent via the contact link on the website.

Posted by PiktourUK on 2021-01-01 07:30:11