The Alternate Routes program is an innovative mobile art studio that aims to provide children between the ages of 5 and 11 with a unique and creative learning experience. This program operates aboard renovated transit buses and offers kids an opportunity to learn about art, design, and fabrication using nothing but hand tools, raw materials, and their imagination.
Since its inception in 1997, the Alternate Routes program has reached over 10,000 children, including 1,500 who participate in the program each year. The program is particularly beneficial to at-risk youth, who make up half of its participants, and who are able to take part in the program at no cost thanks to grants and private donations.
The Alternate Routes program is run by Side Street Projects, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing alternative educational opportunities and promoting community involvement in the arts. For more information about the program, visit the Side Street Projects website or call (626) 798-7774.
Posted by sidestreetprojects on 2009-01-16 05:10:15