During a woodworking workshop in Essaouira, Morocco, Helen utilizes a tenon saw.

Helen operates a tenon saw during a <a href=woodworking workshop (Essaouira, Morocco)”>

Helen, a grade 11 student from Guatemala, traveled to Essaouira to have a unique experience in a local artisans’ workshop. She had the opportunity to try a tenon saw, which is a tool used for cutting wood pieces.

Helen participated in this trip as part of her studies at THINK Global School, a traveling high school that allows its students to have firsthand experiences with different cultures and lifestyles. Essaouira is a city located in Morocco, characterized by its historic architecture and artisanal activities.

During her visit to the workshop, Helen learned about the process of using the saw to make intricate wood designs. The skill and precision required to operate the tool impressed her, and she enjoyed seeing the craftsman’s workmanship firsthand.

The experience allowed Helen to broaden her horizons and learn about a field that is not typically taught in traditional classrooms. It also allowed her to appreciate the history and artistry of Essaouira’s cultural heritage.

This trip is an example of how travel and cultural immersion can enrich student learning and create meaningful experiences. By exposing students to a wide range of cultures and practices, THINK Global School aims to prepare students to become global citizens who can contribute positively to our diverse world.

Posted by THINKGlobalSchool on 2017-03-31 21:52:23