Design of Geometric Tiles

Geometric Tile Design

During a recent holiday in Lisbon, I took a range of photos using my mobile phone. It was a fun and exciting trip, and I enjoyed capturing the sights and experiences through my camera lens.

One of my favorite features on my smartphone camera is the panorama function. I had a lot of fun experimenting with this feature, taking sweeping shots of Lisbon’s picturesque streets and stunning architecture. By slowly rotating my phone, I was able to capture the full scope of some of the city’s most beautiful locations. This helped me to create some amazing, almost cinematic shots that I’m proud to have in my photo collection.

Another great feature on my phone camera was the live photo function. This allowed me to capture short video clips of the places I visited, as well as snap a photo at the same time. This feature is particularly useful for capturing moments that are hard to fully capture with just a still image, such as the bustle of a busy city square or the movement of the sea on a windy day.

Of course, I also took plenty of quick shots throughout my holiday, capturing moments as they happened. From snaps of delicious meals to candid photos of my travel companions, these shots help to tell the story of my Lisbon adventure.

All in all, I’m delighted by the range of photos I took during my holiday in Lisbon. Thanks to the advanced features on my mobile camera, I was able to capture the beauty and excitement of this stunning city in a way that truly does it justice.

Posted by simonevanbergen on 2018-09-16 09:36:38