Dado Routing

Routing the Dadoes

This article describes the process of creating a set of CD shelves using a dado jig. The author notes that this is their second project using the jig, but that they encountered some difficulties due to the size of the uprights not fitting properly. However, the author was able to make the necessary adjustments and ultimately feels that they improved the jig in the process.

The first step in creating the CD shelves was to gather all of the necessary materials, including the wood for the shelves and the uprights, as well as the hardware for attaching the shelves to the uprights. The author notes that they opted for a set of brass shelf standards and brackets, which they felt gave the shelves a more polished look.

Next, the author began the process of measuring and cutting the wood to the appropriate size. They note that they measured each piece twice to ensure that they were accurate, as they did not want to have to make additional cuts or adjustments later on. Once the pieces were cut, the author used the dado jig to create grooves in the uprights that would hold the shelves in place.

The author notes that they encountered some difficulties with the dado jig, as it was not quite large enough to accommodate the width of both uprights. However, they were able to make a few adjustments to the jig and ultimately feel that they improved its functionality in the process.

Once the grooves had been cut in the uprights, the author attached the brass shelf standards to the back of the uprights using screws. They then attached the brackets to the shelves using small nails, being careful to ensure that the nails were not too long and would not poke through the front of the shelves.

With all of the pieces prepped and ready to go, the author began assembling the shelves. They started by attaching the bottom shelf to the first set of uprights, making sure to level it out using a spirit level. They then repeated this process for each subsequent shelf, being careful to measure and level each one as they went.

Finally, the author attached the top set of uprights to the shelves, again using the shelf standards and brackets. They note that this process was a bit more challenging than the previous steps, as they needed to ensure that the shelves were level and even on both sides.

Overall, the author feels that the project was a success, despite the challenges they encountered with the dado jig. They note that they learned a lot during the process and feel confident that they could use the jig again in the future with even better results.

Posted by greg_guarino on 2013-11-17 05:05:56