Crafting a Socially Transformative Artistic Float

Creating an Art Float for Social Change

Tam Makers is a community-based organization aiming to inspire people to participate in democracy by creating an Art Float for Social Change. The parade float is designed to draw in members of underrepresented communities, particularly youth and people of color, through the use of art, music, and technology. The Tam Makers will present the art show on three different occasions – Earth Day, Memorial Day and Fourth of July parades in Marin county; and throughout California in Fall. Through such public events, they aim to encourage voter participation in the upcoming elections.

The project is envisioned as a carousel of waving hands at the center of the art float, pulled by a giant feathered serpent in celebration of mother earth. Performers will share stories of hope on a stage decorated with scenes of a better world. Additionally, large signs with calls to action will invite people to speak up and vote. Participants can pitch ideas for social change on the podium or have their proposals scroll on the news ticker.

Tam High School is hosting this community project, which is led by Fabrice Florin and Geo Monley – co-founders of Tam Makers. The Art Float for Social Change is volunteer-driven, and the Tam Makers are grateful for the support of their partners in art, civic, and educational fields who have contributed towards making this project a reality.

Construction of the float will take place from March to April 2018, every Thursday evening from 4 to 9 pm or Saturday mornings from 10 am to 1 pm. For those willing to participate as volunteers, they can get in touch with the organizers by writing to .

The goal of the Art Float for Social Change is to use art as a means to inspire engagement and social responsibility. By bringing together a diverse community, Tam Makers aim to promote positive changes in society.

Posted by fabola on 2018-03-27 21:33:25