Crafting a Parade Float to Promote Social Transformation

Creating an Art Float for Social Change

Tam Makers is an organization in Mill Valley that is creating an Art Float for Social Change, with the aim of inspiring more people to participate in democracy. The parade float will reach out to young people and people of color through art, music, and technology, and will be presented at various parades in Marin and throughout California. The float celebrates mother earth with a carousel of waving hands pulled by a giant feathered serpent, while performers tell stories of hope on a stage decorated with scenes of a better world. The project is being led by Fabrice Florin and Geo Monley, co-founders of Tam Makers, and is open to volunteers who would like to lend a hand. The float is intended to encourage people to vote in the next election by inviting people to speak up and vote on the podium or have their ideas for social change scroll on the news ticker.

Posted by fabola on 2018-03-27 21:33:23