Crafting a Float for Social Change through Artistic Expression

Creating an Art Float for Social Change

Tam Makers, a community organization based in Mill Valley, is bringing a unique art float for social change to California to encourage more people to participate in democracy. The art show will be presented on Earth Day, Memorial Day, and Fourth of July parades in Marin and throughout California this fall, with the aim of promoting more participation in the next election. The art float is unique, featuring a carousel of waving hands, pulled by a giant feathered serpent to celebrate mother earth. The performances that will accompany the show will tell stories of hope, with a stage decorated with scenes of a better world. The float also invites people to vote, and participants can pitch ideas for social change on the podium or have them scroll on the news ticker.

The project is created by a team of students and makers led by Tam Makers co-founders Fabrice Florin and Geo Monley. The organization is grateful to Tam High School for hosting the project, as well as all the volunteers, and educational partners that helped create the float and present it to a diverse community.

Building for the project is set to take place in the months of March and April from Thursday evenings from 4-9pm or Saturday mornings from 10am to 1pm. Volunteers are encouraged to join the team to work on the project by emailing

The Tam Makers Art Float for Social Change is a community initiative that aims to inspire people, especially young people and people of color, to participate in democracy. By using art, music and technology, the organization hopes to make the process of voting and political engagement more appealing to these groups.

The organization is committed to using innovative methods and creative thinking to encourage people to speak up and participate in the democratic process. By highlighting the beauty and diversity of life on earth, the art float is designed to lift people’s spirits and inspire them to take positive action.

Tam Makers is committed to making the project as accessible and inclusive as possible, through partnerships with educational institutions and community organizations. By providing opportunities for people to work together on the same project, the organization hopes to build a stronger sense of community and foster a deeper understanding of the issues that affect us all.

In conclusion, Tam Makers’ Art Float for Social Change is a fantastic initiative that will benefit communities throughout California. By using art, music and technology to promote democracy and civic engagement, the organization is helping to create a more inclusive and equal society, where everyone’s voice can be heard. Volunteers are encouraged to join the team to work on the project by emailing

Posted by fabola on 2018-03-27 21:33:56