Church of St. Nicholas 26.4.68. GV I Parish church. C11, C12, C13, C14, C15 and C16 restored 1879. Ragstone and tufa with plain tile roof. West tower, nave with north and south aisles, south porch, chancel with north and south chapels terminating brief of east conclusion of chancel. West tower: Early C12, large squat, plinthless and battlemented, of 2 levels, with pilaster buttresses and tufa quoins and dressings. Limited wood spire erected 1963 reference to spire from 1492. Round- headed north and south home windows to second phase and 2 west lancets to reduced stage. Pointed-arched and shifted C13 sandstone west doorway established in round-arched tufa-dressed opening. Studded door with moulded stoup to north facet. South aisle: potentially C12 partitions with tufa to lessen quoins, usually C14, with C19 alterations. Plinthless, with roll-and-hollow moulded cornice and stone-coped ashlar parapet. Lean-to roof. Buttress and canted south-east rood- stair loft stair turret. 2-mainly C19 south windows in C14 fashion. South porch: C19 in C13 model. Pointed arched internal doorway with moulded architrave and hood mould. Ribbed and studded Medieval doorway. South Chapel: C14, with stays of moulded plinth. Stone quoins, but tufa fragments in walls. Gabled roof. C15 three-light-weight south window in moulded stone architrave with rectangular, quite possibly C19, door promptly under. C15 east window, with tufa relieving arch beneath. Chancel: possibly rebuilt in C16. On shallow moulded plinth with solitary-light-weight round-headed north and south windows with rectangular dripmoulds. Cuspless east window. North chapel: late C15, on moulded plinth with roll-and-hollow cornice and stone-coped ashlar parapet. One particular C15 three-gentle east and one particular north window. Gabled roof. Jobs marginally north of north aisle. West buttress. North aisle: C12. Plinthless, with cornice and parapet equivalent to south aisle and north chapel. Stone quoins. 3 north buttresses 2 two-light and quatrefoiled north windows with hoodmoulds, a single with heads to label stops. 2 extremely modest blocked north lancets with tufa dressings, rebated to outside the house and deeply splayed to much more substantial three-centred arched interior architraves. Tiny blocked rectangular window to west stop of north elevation, with hollow-chamfered jambs and iron grille. Small west lancet with tufa dressings, established bigger, with later stone inner archi- trave and leaded light-weight. Inside: Structure: partly restored early C12 tower arch 3 orders to every facet with plain round-headed arches and body fat roll possibly facet of inner purchase. Cushion capitals to all but outer get. 3-bay C15 north and south nave arcades hollow-chamfered octagonal piers with moulded capitals and bases, (the latter relatively irregular) and arches of 2 hollow chamfers with cove among. C15 chancel arch and west arches to chancel chapels, each and every of 2 hollow chamfers, internal get springing from corbelled imposts. One arch amongst chancel and every single chapel, just about every with 2 hollow chamfers and hooked up columns, those to north round, all those to south semi-octagonal moulded capitals and bases. 2-centred arched doorway with hollow chamfer and broach stops to rood-loft stair turret, with cill about 4′ above floor. 2 small blocked Saxon windows with eliptical heads significant up in north wall of north arcade. C15 3-mild squint involving north chapel and chancel, with hollow-chamfered mullions, three-centred arched heads and hollow spandrels. Simple squint between south chapel and chancel behind sedilia. Roof: Nave has 6 simple, chamfered crown-posts with 4 curved upward braces and straight chamfered tie-beams. Ashlar-pieces and moulded cornice. Pendant posts arch-braced to cornice with C20 traceried spandrels. South chapel has one octagonal crown-put up with moulded funds, square moulded foundation and 4 squat upward braces. Chancel roof barrel-vaulted with moulded members and central manager. Fittings: 3-seat sedilia in south wall of chancel with 4 slender off-established buttresses and moulded cornice, cuspless and perhaps C16. Pillar piscina to south wall of chancel. Moulded opening, most likely for piscina, in south wall of north aisle. Cusped ogee-headed piscina to south wall of south chapel and by south aisle door. Plain octagonal stone font. C15 eleven-bay rood-display screen throughout east conclusion of nave and the two aisles, with finely-cusped tracery. Slender attached columns among bays with moulded capitals giving springing for intri- cately carved C19 lover vault and corniced walkway. Woodwork of 3 of bays split to form double doorways to north and south chapels and chancel. Partly restored C15 parclose screen to each chapel. North chapel display supplies entrance for C17 pew with lozenge panelling and carved frieze. C17 staircase with turned balusters from north wall of tower, primary to bell chamber. Brass chandelier in nave dated 1778. Monuments: 2 compact early C16 brasses to centre of nave, one particular to William Merden, d. 1509, the other to Katherine Lambe, d. 1514. Marble wall pill on south wall of south chapel to Sr. Roger Meredith, Baronet, d. 1738. Erected following 1742. By Palmer,with ionic columns flanked by elongated scrolls, with moulded cornice and open up-topped segmental pediment with urn. Huge standing wall monument on north wall of north chapel to the Rt. Hono’ble Jane Countess Dowager of Carbery, d. 1643, erected immediately after loss of life of son, Sir William Meredith, d. 1675. In black and white marble, with elongated scrolls, ionic capitals, bolection moulding to tablets, massive coat of arms with achievements breaking through open- topped segmental pediment and surmounted by imposing vase. Wall monument on north wall of north chapel to Henry Meredith Esq., d. 1710, erected at direction of daughter, d. 1758. Marble pill with 2 cherubs, urn and broken-base triangular pediment, next a design and style in Gibb’s E book of Architecture, 1728, p. 123 (J. Newman, Structures of England Series, West Kent and the Weald, 1980).

Posted by JOHN K THORNE on 2022-07-10 19:14:27


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