Chef Showdown featuring the Octagon MasterCard

Octagon MasterCard Chef Showdown

Octagon Sports and Entertainment collaborated with Britten Woodworks to create a unique experiential activation for MasterCard in the 2020 Arnold Palmer Invitational. The activation was aimed at enhancing the audience’s dining experience and adding a touch of culinary competition. The MasterCard Chef Showdown involved two golf pros, Ian Poulter and Graeme McDowell, who participated in a pre-game cookoff that was judged by chosen fans. Britten’s creative team was tasked with designing and constructing the visual components of the activation.

Britten Woodworks created two sets of modern countertops and two large 8’ X 11’ shelving units as the foundation of the hand-crafted kitchen. The architectural millwork was accentuated by eye-catching “showdown” foam signage that measured 4′ X 8′. MasterCard pillowcase prints, foam logos, and tabletop decals added the finishing touches. Britten also enhanced the outdoor cookoff experience with PutterBall and Cornhole games for guests.

McDowell emerged the winner of the cookoff with a liquid nitrogen-infused dish. However, the MasterCard CEO was also impressed with the activation’s delivery and execution. Octagon’s Michael Taft expressed satisfaction with Britten’s work, which delivered an activation that looked exactly like the renderings that were initially presented.

Posted by Britten, Inc. on 2023-01-25 19:12:31