“Cable Intersection”

Intersection of cables

This content is a brief description of a cable interplay design, created by a Flickr user named ToOliver2. This user has created a unique design in which cables intersect and are intertwined, held together with wire and soldered at each intersection. ToOliver2 emphasizes the importance of alternating the weave and thoroughly soldering each intersection to produce a stronger and higher quality product. Though the process to create this cable design is time-consuming, ToOliver2 believes it is worth it to produce a top-quality product. Anyone interested in purchasing this unique cable design can contact ToOliver2 through Flickrmail, but shipping is only available to locations within the lower 48 states of the United States. It is important to note that the original design for this product is copyrighted and all rights are reserved by ToOliver2.

Posted by Anthony Arvin on 2009-05-23 16:24:52