Bramfield’s Decorative Glazing

Decorative Glazing, Bramfield

St Andrew’s at Bramfield is a beautiful and rewarding church, known for its well-preserved medieval rood-screen. The exterior features a detached round tower (a Norman structure in flint) and the main body of the church has been attractively rendered and limewashed, which was a common sight in the Middle Ages and served as an effective way of protecting vulnerable stonework.

Inside, the church is divided into one long open space without aisles. The standout feature is the rood-screen at the end of the nave, which is an exquisite piece of late medieval woodwork with delicate miniature vaults above where the rood-loft would have formerly been located. Much of its original colouring has survived, including five of the original eight painted saints along its base, high-quality work of early 16th-century date.

Beyond the screen, the chancel contains a striking 17th-century memorial to the Coke family by Nicholas Stone. The memorial depicts the husband kneeling in prayer above his wife and baby below, serving as a sensitive and touching tribute to the family.

Bramfield is a popular destination for visitors, and the church is kept open accordingly. It is well worth a visit and is part of a churchcrawling circuit in the area.

Posted by Aidan McRae Thomson on 2019-04-20 07:28:11