An Artistic Parade Float to Promote Social Progress

Creating an Art Float for Social Change

Tam Makers, a community of makers based in Mill Valley, is developing a unique Art Float for Social Change in a bid to inspire a wider participation in democracy, particularly among youth and people of color. The group intends to showcase the float on Earth Day, Memorial Day and Fourth of July parades in Marin and throughout California in the upcoming election’s campaign period. The float celebrates Mother Earth with a large carousel of waving hands propelled by a giant feathered serpent which will be complemented by artists’ performances featuring a stage decorated with images of a better world. Members of the public will be invited to express their ideas for social change on a podium, or have these ideas scroll on the news ticker. Co-founders Fabrice Florin and Geo Monley lead a team of makers and students at Tam Makers in building the float. They acknowledge the assistance and support they have received from Tam High School and their volunteers and partners in local art, civic, and educational groups. The community art project has been created as a response to issues including lower youth and voter participation in elections. Volunteers are sought to get involved in the project by emailing

Posted by fabola on 2018-03-27 21:33:25