A possible rephrased title could be: “The Nation of Vietnam: History, Culture and People”


The National Forest Assessment (NFA) Project in Vietnam aims to improve the quality and scope of socio-economic (SE) data and information collected for the National Forest Inventory, Monitoring and Assessment Programme (NFIMAP). The project is supported by the FAO Finland Forestry Programme and aims to serve the national forest related socio-economic information needs for national and international decision making and reporting. Vietnam’s forestry sector plays an important role in the country’s economy, contributing to rural livelihoods and poverty reduction, employment, and environmental protection. However, there are still gaps in the understanding of the sector’s SE impacts and the information used for decision making needs to be strengthened. The NFA project addresses these gaps by providing technical assistance, capacity building, and coordination with stakeholders to improve SE data collection and analysis.

The forestry sector contributes significantly to Vietnam’s economy, providing direct and indirect employment for millions of people and contributing to poverty reduction in rural areas. Forests provide ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration, water regulation, and biodiversity conservation, which are important for human well-being and sustainable development. However, the sector faces challenges such as unsustainable practices, deforestation, illegal logging, and low productivity. There is a need for improved information and decision making processes to address these challenges and ensure the sustainable management of forests.

The NFA project in Vietnam aims to improve the quality and scope of SE data and information collected for the NFIMAP, which is a key tool for forest management and decision making. The NFIMAP is a comprehensive system for forest inventory, monitoring, and assessment, which provides data on forest area, volume, biomass, and carbon stocks, as well as socio-economic indicators such as land tenure, livelihoods, and forest products trade. The NFIMAP is used to inform policies, plans, and programmes related to forest management, conservation, and development at national and subnational levels.

The NFA project supports the NFIMAP by providing technical assistance, capacity building, and coordination with stakeholders to improve SE data collection and analysis. This involves the development of SE indicators and survey tools to capture information on the socio-economic impacts of forests and forest management, such as income generation, employment creation, value chain development, gender, and social inclusion. The project also promotes the participation of local communities and stakeholders in the data collection process, ensuring that their voices and perspectives are taken into account in decision making.

The NFA project is implemented through a participatory approach, involving collaboration between the government, civil society, and private sector. The project is coordinated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD), with technical support from the FAO and funding from the Government of Finland. The project has three main components: (i) improving SE data and information for the NFIMAP, (ii) enhancing capacity and skills for SE data collection and analysis, and (iii) promoting stakeholder participation and coordination.

Component 1 focuses on improving the quality and scope of SE data and information collected for the NFIMAP. This involves the development of SE indicators and survey tools, as well as the analysis and reporting of SE data at national and subnational levels. The project aims to ensure that SE data is relevant, reliable, and up-to-date, and that it meets the information needs of key stakeholders, such as policy makers, forest managers, and local communities.

Component 2 focuses on enhancing capacity and skills for SE data collection and analysis. This involves training and technical assistance for government agencies, universities, research institutes, and civil society organizations, to improve their ability to collect, process, and analyze SE data. The project aims to build a sustainable network of SE data collectors and analysts, who can support the ongoing collection and analysis of SE data for the NFIMAP and other forest related programmes.

Component 3 focuses on promoting stakeholder participation and coordination. This involves the engagement of local communities, civil society organizations, and private sector actors in the data collection process, and the promotion of stakeholder dialogue and collaboration for better decision making. The project aims to strengthen the capacity of stakeholders to participate in forest management and decision making processes, and to create opportunities for sharing of SE data and information among different stakeholders.

The NFA project is expected to contribute to the sustainable management of forests in Vietnam, by providing better SE data and information for decision making and reporting. The project is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly SDG 15 (Life on Land), which calls for the protection, restoration, and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, and SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), which calls for inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment, and decent work for all. The project also supports the implementation of Vietnam’s National Forestry Strategy, which aims to ensure the sustainable development of Vietnam’s forests and the well-being of its people.

In conclusion, the National Forest Assessment (NFA) Project in Vietnam is an important initiative aimed at improving the quality and scope of socio-economic (SE) data and information collected for the National Forest Inventory, Monitoring and Assessment Programme (NFIMAP). The project provides technical assistance, capacity building, and coordination with stakeholders to improve SE data collection and analysis, with the aim of serving the national forest related socio-economic information needs for national and international decision making and reporting. The project is expected to contribute to the sustainable management of forests in Vietnam, by providing better SE data and information for decision making and reporting, and supporting the implementation of national and international development goals.

Posted by FAO Forestry on 2014-01-27 09:32:00