Crafting a Socially Impactful Art Float

Creating an Art Float for Social Change

Tam Makers will build an Art Float for Social Change that promotes democracy by inspiring more people, especially youth and people of color, to participate in the electoral process. The float is created by a team of students and makers, led by Tam Makers co-founders Fabrice Florin and Geo Monley, and it will appear in Earth Day, Memorial Day, and Fourth of July parades in Marin and throughout California this fall.

The unique, interactive art float celebrates earth and hope with a carousel of waving hands, pulled by a giant feathered serpent. The stage will decorate scenes of a better world, and performers will tell stories of hope. Large signs will invite people to speak up and vote, and the podium will take ideas for social change, which will scroll on the news ticker.

The community art project is hosted by Tam High School, and it is supported by volunteers, art, civic, and educational partners. Volunteers who want to help build the float can join during the project’s hours on Thursdays and Saturdays in March and April 2018. Those interested in helping can email to volunteer.

The Art Float for Social Change is a clever way to inspire people, who may otherwise not participate in the electoral process, to vote. The art, music, and technology on the float will appeal to youth and people of color, who are often overlooked by politicians during elections. By creating a collective and enjoyable experience, Tam Makers is igniting the fire of democracy and encouraging people to participate in their own way.

Posted by fabola on 2018-03-27 21:33:21