The North Wales Woodworking Show is an annual event that takes place in Mold, North Wales. The event is aimed at woodworking enthusiasts, professionals, and hobbyists who come together to engage in a variety of activities related to woodworking.
The event features a range of exhibitors showcasing their products and services, including machinery, tools, and raw materials. Visitors can browse a variety of woodworking items and ask exhibitors for expert advice.
The North Wales Woodworking Show also features expert-led talks and workshops that offer beginners and experienced woodworkers alike an opportunity to learn new techniques and approaches. These workshops and talks cover a wide range of topics, from the basics of woodworking to new trends and techniques.
One of the highlights of the North Wales Woodworking Show is the live demonstrations carried out by expert craftsmen. Visitors can watch as they turn raw materials into beautiful finished products or create intricate designs using advanced techniques and tools.
There is also a competition section where woodworking projects from around the region are showcased. Visitors are encouraged to vote for their favorite projects, and winners are awarded prizes.
In addition to the professional development opportunities that the North Wales Woodworking Show offers, the event is also a great opportunity for woodworking enthusiasts to meet like-minded people and share their passion for the craft. It provides a space where people can come together and learn from each other, as well as talk about their experiences and build connections with others in the community.
The event attracts visitors from around the region and beyond, with people coming from as far away as Scotland and England. Many attendees come back year after year, as the North Wales Woodworking Show has become a staple event in many people’s calendars.
Overall, the North Wales Woodworking Show is an excellent event that offers an opportunity for woodworking enthusiasts and professionals to come together, learn from each other, and showcase their work. It is a great way to engage with the woodworking community, and visitors are sure to leave feeling inspired and motivated to take their craft to the next level.
Posted by aka chippy on 2021-03-01 19:17:37