Interview Judging for 4-H Science, Engineering & Technology Exhibits on June 17th

4-H Science, Engineering & Tech Exhibits - Interview Judging 17

Interview Judging for 4-H Members: An Opportunity to Showcase Skills and Lessons Learned

For many 4-H members, a highlight of their participation in the organization is the opportunity to present their static exhibits at fair competitions. These projects, which can range from woodworking to robotics, provide youth with a chance to demonstrate their skills and share what they have learned throughout the year. Interview Judging, in particular, offers 4-H’ers a unique experience to speak to judges about their projects and receive feedback on how to improve.

One example of an event that features Interview Judging is the Lancaster County Super Fair in Nebraska. Among the categories of 4-H/FFA Science, Engineering & Technology exhibits at this fair are Aerospace, Computer, Geospatial (GPS), Electricity, Robotics, Power of Wind, Small Engines, Model Vehicle, Woodworking, Welding, Safety, and Bicycle projects. These exhibit categories require different levels of technical knowledge, creativity, and problem-solving skills, providing a diverse range of opportunities for 4-H members to showcase their talents.

As part of Interview Judging, 4-H members are asked to discuss their projects with a judge who specializes in their exhibit area. These conversations usually last between 10 and 15 minutes and allow 4-H’ers to share a number of details about their projects, including how they were created, what challenges they faced, and how they overcame them. Judges may also ask questions to gauge the member’s depth of understanding and offer advice on how to improve various aspects of their project.

One important aspect of Interview Judging is that it requires participants to engage in public speaking. For many 4-H members, this is one of the most challenging aspects of the competition. However, the organization places significant emphasis on communication skills development and encourages youth to practice public speaking as a key life skill.

Furthermore, Interview Judging not only provides feedback for improving project quality, but it also allows 4-H members to hone their interview and interpersonal skills. These are essential skills that will be useful throughout their lives as they apply for jobs, engage in community service, and navigate personal relationships.

Interview Judging participants who receive high scores may move on to compete at the state or even national level. Winning at these levels can mean scholarships, awards, and other opportunities. However, even if a member does not win, they still have the chance to gain valuable experience and learn from their experience.

In Summary:
Interview Judging is an essential feature of many 4-H Exhibits programs across the US. The Lancaster County Super Fair in Nebraska is an example of an event that provides science, engineering, and technology exhibit categories for 4-H members. Interview Judging is a unique opportunity for 4-Hers to discuss their projects with a judge who specializes in their exhibit area. Participants are required to engage in public speaking and receive feedback that allows them to hone their interview and interpersonal skills. High scores can lead to state or national competitions and scholarship opportunities, but even without winning, 4-H members can gain valuable experience from the process.

Posted by Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County on 2013-08-07 15:57:30