Crafting a Socially Impactful Artistic Float

Creating an Art Float for Social Change

Tam Makers is promoting democracy through its Art Float for Social Change. The aim of the parade float is to inspire young people and people of color through the arts, music, and technology. The Art Float for Social Change will tour on Earth Day, Memorial Day, and Fourth of July in Marin, California and later travel throughout the state in fall, with the objective to encourage people to vote in the next election.

The Tam Makers Art Float for Social Change aims to celebrate mother earth with a moving carousel displaying a mass of waving hands pulled by a large feathered serpent. Performers on a decorated stage will narrate stories of hope to enlighten people of a better world. People are then invited to voice their opinions and express their ideas for social change on the podium, where they will also be screened on the news ticker.

Tam Makers led by Fabrice Florin and Geo Monley are the co-founders of Tam Makers and the creators of the parade. The school provided the project with space and the Art Float for Social Change is a community-led initiative whereby volunteers are able to participate in the making of the float on Thursdays between 4-9pm or Saturdays between 10am-1pm. Enquiries and registration to volunteer for the project can be sent via email to

Further information about the Art Float for Social Change can be found on the website

Posted by fabola on 2018-03-27 21:33:30