“John Boen’s Memory: A Revered Legacy”

The Sacred Memory of John Boen

The Church of St Nonna, located in Altarnun, Cornwall, UK, is a 15th-century building known as the Cathedral of the Moor due to its towering presence over Bodmin Moor. It was named in honour of St Nonna, the mother of St David. Altarnun, meaning Altar of Nonn, is the village in which the church is situated.

The Churches Project was started by a photographer in April 2015, who decided to take more black and white photographs of Cornwall’s granite landscapes. However, after visiting Zennor Church, the photographer realised that Cornwall’s churches and churchyards had more photographic interest. Outside, they had a gritty look ideal for black and white photography, while inside they often had some truly amazing colours in the woodwork, stonework, kneeler cushions and stained glass windows.

The Cornish Historic Churches Trust does great work looking after the beautiful churches of Cornwall for future generations. The trust’s website is available for those who would like to support their work. The photography and equipment used for The Churches Project is sponsored by the leading filter specialist, www.inlinefilters.co.uk, which serves the heavy-duty automotive industry.

Photographs taken for The Churches Project are shared by the photographer as a hobby and can be used by anyone with an accreditation. If an individual or organisation benefits financially from the photographs, a donation to www.sightsavers.org would be appreciated. In due course, a Fine Art Prints and Downloads section will be created on Piktour, the photographer’s portfolio website and blog. Currently available images for purchase can be viewed on the site, but requests can also be made if an image of interest is not available.

Posted by PiktourUK on 2019-10-13 03:59:28