Kent’s King Charles the Martyr at Tunbridge Wells

King Charles the Martyr, Tunbridge Wells, Kent

The equinox occurred at 21:47 GMT, marking the start of the time when daylight is destined to win over darkness. This coincides with the end of the year and the excitement building up to Christmas, as well as the reflection on the past year. The narrator is on vacation but had completed all their tasks and was enjoying not thinking about work. Meanwhile, Jools had half a day of work left before they could celebrate with lunch, drinks, and recognition from their employers. The narrator drops Jools off in Hythe and drives to the far west of Kent for a church-crawl adventure. They visit Penshurst Place and the Sidney Chapel, where they admire the memorials and tombs including one that features the head of the Sidney family’s children in a cloud. The narrator moves on to Speldhurst, where they cannot find parking near the church, which appears locked. They then go to Groombridge to redo their shots of a small chapel with great glass, but they miss the church and go to another one in Tunbridge Wells. They photograph the ceiling and other details of the church while attending a service. The warden asks them about their activities, to which they respond that they enjoy it. The narrator stops by a young man selling the Big Issue and gives him five pounds without taking a copy. They then go to Stop 24 to pass the time and pick up Jools at quarter past four.

Posted by Jelltex on 2022-12-30 19:53:57